Industry Sources Quiet iPad 3 AMOLED Screen Rumors
It looks like the AMOLED screen for the iPad 3 won’t be gracing the display come time for its release. The rumors have been all over the web, but industry sources according to digitimes have squashed the upgraded panel rumors for the iPad 3.The reason behind the decision is because the current rate of AMOLED display panel production will not be able to effectively meet the iPad 3 demand upon its release date.
We know you want to see the upgraded displays in the iPad 3, but if Apple were to go that route you would experience dreaded backorder times that would certainly surpass those seen with the iPad 2 back in March.
The technology is still new and only seen in Samsung’s Galaxy S II smartphones, meaning that Apple would take a hefty risk undergoing production issues as well as the risk of including new technology that may not have all the bugs worked out.
iPad 3 Production Is Underway Says Component Makers
Digitimes also reported that Taiwanese component makers who are responsible for iPad production are in the process of certifying their iPad 3 parts.According to industry sources, some component vendors have already received Apple’s certification, and most notably that of Radiant Opto-Electronics and the LED backlit units.
Apple currently has their displays manufactured by Samsung and LG Electronics. At this point the iPad 3 will be seeing the LCD display since Samsung would be the only manufacturer capable of producing the AMOLED screens.
Expect to see the AMOLED technology in the iPad 4, but Apple fans shouldn’t anticipate it to be included in the iPad 3.
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